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SALE - 50% off - Succeeding...Pno Lesson/Technique 2B (book)
SALE - 50% off - Succeeding...Pno Lesson/Technique 2B (book) Quantity in Basket: None
Product Code: FJH2066
Price: $3.48
Shipping Weight: 0.60 pounds
Students and teachers will continued to be inspired as they start this next level of Succeeding at the Piano®.

In addition to the fabulous music and thoroughly reinforcing all of the concepts in Grade 2A, Grade 2B includes new concepts such as: intervals of a sixth, finger crossings in preparation for one-octave major scales, C, G, D, A, and F Major scales and I-V7-I cadences, waltz bass, reading ledger lines below and above the staffs, legato pedaling, eighth rest, and dynamics of pp and ff.

Succeeding at the Piano * FJH MUSIC

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