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SALE! Current Hits for Teens - Book 2 $8.99-50%
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Product Code: AL41007
Price: $4.50
Shipping Weight: 0.60 pounds
7 Graded Selections for Intermediate Pianists

Arr. Dan Coates

Series: Hits for Teens

Level: Intermediate

Teenage students love being able to play popular pieces by their favorite recording artists or from blockbuster movies and TV shows.

This collection includes accessible arrangements of pop and movie hits from Doctor Who, fun., Bruno Mars and many more!

The arrangements are "teacher friendly," while remaining faithful to the sound of the original recording.

In this intermediate collection, 16th-note rhythms are introduced, as well as octaves and increased left-hand arpeggiation.

Doctor Who Theme (Doctor Who)
Falling Slowly (Once, the Tony Award-winning Broadway Musical)
Just Give Me a Reason
Some Nights
When I Was Your Man
Wide Awake

Untitled Document

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